Valuation Certificate for Foreign Visa প্রপার্টি ভ্যালুয়েশন ফর ভিসা (ভিসা ফাইলের জন্য সম্পত্তি মূল্যায়ন)

Valuation Certificate for Foreign Visa প্রপার্টি ভ্যালুয়েশন ফর ভিসা (ভিসা ফাইলের জন্য সম্পত্তি মূল্যায়ন)

Our clients are related to corporate, government, non- government sector, business or individuals.

We are pleased to introduce ourselves as a leading team of Valuers rendering professional services in field of Visa Purpose Valuation in the name & style of Government Approved Valuers.Accordingly we want to avail the privilege in briefing our activities, expertise & specialization so that you will visualize our utility in your profession.As per direction & instruction of Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India for visiting abroad a permit to enter / visa is required for which valuation report is must at time of granting the visa.

Government approved valuer is equipped with a team of professional with high standard of visa valuation services, visa immigration valuation services with excellent track of success. We provide visa consultancy for UK, USA, Canada, all European countries, Australia, New Zealand as tourist visa, foreign visa.

Visa valuation is a formal valuation report with current fair market value on your residential properties to support and assists our application with Department of immigration and Citizenship. It is important to prove that our housing assets is valuable.It supports our application for obtaining a visa.Government approved valuers provide the best visa valuation services for the individuals looking to apply for visa. Many people migrate from one country to other,so all of them needs visa value.Then visits government approved valuers for getting best service with maximum satisfaction.

Government approved valuer provides different visa consultancy, visa valuation services, visa immigration valuation help for spouse visa, student visa, finance visa, domestic worker visa etc.

When a person requires a grant or permission to enter the other country than a certificated issued or stamp market by the immigration authority is necessary whether it is for temporary stay or for specified stay. You are answerable for accurate information in your application. Knowingly submitting false information either on the application itself or during the visa interview can be illegal. Never sign your application without reviewing it once before submission.

Normally visa valuation is needed in following cases:

  • Study Purpose
  • Tourist Purpose
  • Immigration Purpose
  • Worth Purpose
  • Assets Purpose
  • Visiting Purpose
  • Business Purpose
  • Export - Import Purpose
  • Guarantee Purpose
  • Legal Purpose (Divorce, Marriage, Adoption etc)
  • Medical Treatment Affordability
  • To attend seminar, meeting, marriage, function etc.

Sometime valuation is required to establish bonafide visit & to establish the affordability of expenses of visit, stay etc. Even we design tailor made valuation as per requirement of clients / to meet the purpose.

In view of above we request you to place our name in your Data Bank for future coming work in the field of Valuation. We are also ready to make an arrangement on long term basis to work continuously on some understanding basis with you as business proposal on some pre-decided terms, which will give us a feeling of joint venture. Government approved Valuers have amassed with highly technical team of experts in valuation, accounts, finance, and sale or marketing etc. We provide valuation for the building, plant and machinery or deals with rental valuation, property valuation, project management, Insurance valuation etc with an expertise team. Also, we design tailor made valuation as per the requirements of the customer to meet the purpose.

Government approved valuers follow a standard process for the valuation of reports. After completion, reports should be sending to seniors for review or finalization of valuation. Our team works on client individually.

Our clients are related to corporate, government, non- government sector, business or individuals. We provide all professional valuation services. We are trusted tax valuer in Delhi and registered with the government.

We often do Property valuation, building valuation, capital tax valuation, visa valuation, Jewellery valuation, plant and machinery valuation, insurance valuation, rental valuation, project management, Land valuation etc with an expertise team.

Government approved Valuers have amassed with highly technical team of experts in valuation, accounts, finance, and sale or marketing etc. Our clients are completely satisfied with our services.

আমাদের সেবা সমূহ:


·         ভূমি/জমির ডিজিটাল সার্ভে

·         wWwRUvj mv‡f©i mvnv‡h¨ ‡gŠRv g¨v‡c Rwgi I fe‡bi Ae¯’vb wbY©q Kiv

·         ডিজিটাল সার্ভে

·         অ্যাজ বিল্ট প্ল্যান

·         কন্ট্যুর সার্ভে

·         ল্যান্ডস্কেপ ডিজাইন

·         প্রপার্টি ভ্যালুয়েশন / সম্পত্তি মূল্যায়ন প্রতিবেদন 

·         লে-আউট

·         প্লাটিং

·         ডিজিটাল সার্ভে দ্বারা জমি সঠিক ভাবে বন্টন বা ভাগ

·         সয়েল টেস্ট ও পাইল

·         ডিজিটাল সার্ভে

·         মাটি কাটা বা ভরাটের পরিমাণ বের করা

·         অটোক্যাডের মাধ্যমে মেীজা ম্যাপ ডিজিটাল এ রূপান্তর

·         মৌজা ম্যাপ পেন্টাগ্রাফ (মৌজা ম্যাপের উপর মৌজা ম্যাপ প্রতিস্থাপন) করা

·         মানচিত্র/ মৌজা ম্যাপ ডিজিটাল ডিজিটাইজেশন করা

·         বাংলাদেশের যেকোনো প্রান্তের মৌজা ম্যাপ এর জন্য যোগাযোগ করুণ

প্রয়োজনে কল করুণ আমাদের হটলাইন নম্বর ফোনঃ 01715118895


Published on: Saturday, 23 April 2022, 06:10 pm | Last update: Saturday, 3 December 2022, 03:08 pm | Total views: 3940.